SWAN LAKE - The Legend Story
When: 04/06/2017 - 04/06/2017
Tickets: €120 (VIP), €80, €60, €40, €25 (CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS OLD)
About the event:
Swan Lake Entertainment presents fantastic ballet in two acts “Swan Lake”. Masterpiece of world ballet classic to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky tells about the triumph of love, self-sacrifice and the victory of good over evil, which stands in the way of human happiness. The performance will be attended by leading soloists of The Bolshoi Theatre and Mariinsky Theatre. Choreography by Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov, libretto by Vladimir Begichev and Vasily Geltser.
Duration of performance 2 hr 15 min.
VIP tickets includes After Party Cocktail and autograph session in one of the best restaurant in Limassol - Lighthouse.
More about the event:
Swan Lake Entertainment presents fantastic ballet in two acts “Swan Lake”. Masterpiece of world ballet classic to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky tells about the triumph of love, self-sacrifice and the victory of good over evil, which stands in the way of human happiness. The performance will be attended by leading soloists of The Bolshoi Theatre and Mariinsky Theatre. Choreography by Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov, libretto by Vladimir Begichev and Vasily Geltser.
Duration of performance 2 hr 15 min.
VIP tickets includes After Party Cocktail and autograph session in one of the best restaurant in Limassol - Lighthouse.
More info: 7000 0611 / ballettheatre.ru
Swan Lake Entertainment представляет фантастический балет в 2-х актах “Лебединое Озеро”. Шедевр мировой классики на музыку П.И. Чайковского повествует о торжестве любви, самоотверженности и победе добра над злом, стоящим на пути человека к счастью. В спектакле примут участие ведущие солисты из Большого и Мариинского Театров. Хореография Мариуса Петипа и Льва Иванова, либретто Владимира Бегичева и Василия Гельцера.
Продолжительность спектакля 2ч.15 мин.
Для обладателей VIP билетов, праздничный фуршет и автограф-сессия после спектакля в одном из лучших ресторанов Лимасола - Lighthouse.
Дополнительная информация: 7000 0611 / ballettheatre.ru