Πότε: 06/10/2025
Εισιτήρια: From €40
Ваня Усович всегда тщательно контролировал уровень своей медийности, крайне редко появляясь в публичном поле. Комик делал упор только на значимые в карьере инфоповоды. Именно такими и стали два его концерта: «Еще один день» и «40 лет максимум», которые собрали уже десятки миллионов просмотров.
Не отступил от своих принципов Ваня и в этот раз, на время исчезнув из медиапространства. И только после творческой паузы комик решил отправиться в тур со своим третьим стендап-концертом. Пропускать такое, по мнению Вани, одна из главных ошибок в вашей жизни.
Когда: 6 октября 2025, 19:00
Где: Pattihio Theatre
Πότε: 23/10/2025
Εισιτήρια: From €49
THE RASMUS will perform in Cyprus for the first time ever in October 2025!
The band will play their biggest hits and present the brand new record!
The Rasmus will hit the road and bring an unforgettable stage show to their devoted audiences around the world.
“It’s been a while since we went on tour, so we’re really excited to be heading out all over the world in 2025” - says founding frontman Lauri Ylönen.
“It’s shaping up to be a massive tour and there’s more dates to come. We can’t wait to hang out with our fans. It’s going to be fun to see them again, we’re like family” - he continues.
As for what to expect from album number eleven, all we can say is watch this space.
“It represents our new sound... it’s shaping up to be the heaviest and darkest album of our career to date!”
It is often said that the best bands are the ones which keep surprising you time and time again, in the most thrilling of ways. This is something Finnish rockers The Rasmus have been doing since their major label debut and a creative responsibility they take great pride in. If you’ve listened to any of their albums, you’ll be able to hear a kaleidoscopic collage of heavy guitars against futuristic electronics, as well as pop hooks that can find their way into the heart of any kind of music fan. As a direct result, they’ve become one of Finland’s greatest musical exports, selling millions of records worldwide and winning award after award.
Don’t miss The Rasmus in 23'th October in Limassol, Monte Caputo!