Vocaldente A Cappella Art

Vocaldente A Cappella Art

Vocaldente A Cappella Art


Когда: 12/09/2018 - 12/09/2018

Билеты: €15

О мероприятии:

Coming together in 2004 from their beginnings in the Hochschule für Musik und Theater and the Boys Choir of Hannover, vocaldente has developed over the course of only a few short years into an internationally acclaimed and sought-after vocal ensemble. Over 100 concerts and appearances per year are on the program of this quintet that take them throughout their homeland of Germany, throughout Europe, and on extensive and repeated tours of the United States as well as Hongkong, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan.
The show is without a break.
Duration:90 minutes.

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Ticket Sales

SoldOut Tickets принадлежит S.S.A. Soldout Ltd. Это независимая компания по оказанию услуг продюсерам, оранизаторам, театрам и концертным залам по продаже билетов на их мероприятия, действующая исключительно как посредник между продюсером и покупателем билетов.

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