Italian Film Days: Festival of Italian Cinema in Cyprus
Когда: 22/09/2018 - 25/09/2018
Билеты: €5
О мероприятии:
Italian cinema is coming to Cyprus, with a weeklong Film Festival presented by the lAmbasciata d' Italia a Nicosia - Embassy of Italy in Nicosia in cooperation with the IMAGO Film, the Rialto Theatre - Θέατρο Ριάλτο in Limassol and the Pantheon Theatre in Nicosia. From 19 to 25 September 2018, six among the most intriguing recent Italian films will be screened in Limassol and Nicosia, in the context of the “Italian Film Days”.
Дополнительная информация о мероприятии:
Screening Schedule at Pantheon
Saturday 22 September
19:00: “L’esodo” σε σκηνοθεσία του C. Formisano
21:00: “Non è un paese per giovani” σε σκηνοθεσία του G. Veronesi
Sunday 23 September
19:00: “Parlami di Lucy” σε σκηνοθεσία του G. Petitto
21:00: “Nove lune e mezza” σε σκηνοθεσία του M. Andreozzi
Monday 24 September
19:00: “Amori che non sanno stare al mondo” σε σκηνοθεσία του F. Comencini
Tuesday 25 September
19:00: Closing - Special memorial to Vittorio Taviani
Viewing the "Una questione privata" by Paolo & Vittorio Taviani
Announcement of the most beloved film of the festival