Πότε: 22/05/2025
Εισιτήρια: From €45
Διάρκεια: 1 hour 15 min without break
Ηλικίες: 18+
Γλώσσα: Ρωσικά
On May 22, a tense dialogue between two people about true intimacy will take place on the stage of the Pattihio Theatre. Sparkling, ironic, revealing the mechanisms that have prevented men and women from truly seeing and hearing each other since the creation of the world.
The roles of the spouses are played by the public's favorites Natalia Yeprikyan and Alexander Gudkov - popular actors, showmen, participants of the unprecedented show COMEDY WOMAN. The director of the play Roman Feodori, a six-time winner of the Golden Mask award, presents a relevant reading of the play by Ivan Vyrypaev.
Εκδήλωση | Ημέρα | Ημερομηνία | Ώρα Έναρξης | Χώρος | Εισιτήρια: | |
THE SUNLINE | Πέμπτη | 22/05/2025 | 20:00 |
Περισσότερες Πληροφορίες:
A husband and wife are stuck in their own house until the morning, trying to find a way out of a family crisis. They have long lost touch with each other and only a sincere conversation, in which the usual roles and ideas about family life are shifted, can give their relationship a new impetus and help cross that very sunny line that symbolically divides the space between them.
From a simple family theme, the play moves on to a conversation about the most pressing problem of our time - the problem of communication between living beings on this planet. Vyrypaev's texts are memorable for the rhythm of monologues and dialogues, self-irony and at the same time harsh tragic plot twists. Everything is like in life, where a person is overwhelmed by fear and bitterness, joy and fun.
Age category: 18+
The play contains obscene language.
Authors of the play:
Playwright — Ivan Vyrypaev
Director — Roman Feodori
Actors — Natalia Yeprikyan and Alexander Gudkov
Set design, production designer — Sofia Matveeva
Video content — Valery Khaustov
Choreographer — Arsen Karakozov
Production company — Studio "Granat"
+357 97 811186