Прошедшие мероприятия
Когда: 11/12/21 - 12/12/21
Билеты: €12 | €8 (For Children 4-12 years)
О мероприятии:
Directed by Mike Baulch, The Three Musketeers is based (with a few slight variations!) on the classic tale written by Alexandre Dumas. The young, brash d’Artagnan, frustrated by his life on a Gascony pig farm, sets off for Paris to enlist as a Musketeer, closely followed by his mother, Desiree, who is firmly opposed to the idea and is determined to entice him back to the farm . Immediately on his arrival in Paris, d’Artagnan finds two things; love in the form of Constance, lady in waiting to the Queen, and trouble, in the form of The Three Musketeers whom he rashly challenges to a duel.
The event is of mixed attendance and entry is allowed upon presenting one of the following certificates:
1. For people over the age of 18, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test with a validity of 72 hours or Negative Rapid test with the validity of 48 hours
2. For people between the ages of 12-17, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test or Rapid test with a validity of 72 hours
3. For people between the ages 6-11, negative Rapid test or PCR test within 7 days, or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months.
4. For children under the age of 6 attendance is allowed without presenting any Certificate
Когда: 17/10/21 - 12/12/21
Билеты: €10
О мероприятии:
ΡΩΜΑΙΟΣ & ΙΟΥΛΙΕΤΑ - Παιδικό Μιουζκαλ
“Του Σαίξπηρ αριστούργημα ,στη μέση μια βεντέττα, Ρωμαίος εν ο νέος μας τζι η νέα η Ιουλιέττα. Θα γίνουν πράματα πολλά, ανατροπές, γινάθκια, έρωτας μες στα βάσανα με φόντον τα παλάθκια. Πάμε λοιπόν ν’ αρκέψουμεν στον χρόνον πάμε πίσω, μα βάρτε λλίην μουσική, θέλω να τραγουδήσω!”
The event is of mixed attendance and entry is allowed upon presenting one of the following certificates:
1. For people over the age of 18, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test with a validity of 72 hours or Negative Rapid test with the validity of 48 hours
2. For people between the ages of 12-17, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test or Rapid test with a validity of 72 hours
3. For people between the ages 6-11, negative Rapid test or PCR test within 7 days, or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months.
4. For children under the age of 6 attendance is allowed without presenting any Certificate
Когда: 11/12/2021
Билеты: €20 το άτομο (Πλατεία: τραπέζια των 4,5,6 ατόμων | Εξώστης: Τραπέζια των 2,3,4,5,6 ατόμων). Τα εισιτήρια για κάθε τραπέζι, πρέπει να αγοραστούν συνολικά σε μια αγορά.
О мероприятии:
Χαρισματικοί τραγουδοποιοί και μουσικοί, που μεγαλώσαμε μαζί με τους ήχους και τους στίχους τους, τη δεκαετία που το ελληνικό ροκ ξεπηδούσε από παντού στιγματίζοντας μουσικά ολόκληρες γενιές, έρχονται κοντά μας για μία συναυλία που θα μας επιβεβαιώσει πως το ελληνικό ροκ «ζει και βασιλεύει».
Οι πόρτες ανοίγουν στις 20:00/ Ώρα έναρξης: 21:00.
Η Είσοδος επιτρέπεται σε άτομα 18 ετών και άνω.
Ελάχιστη κατανάλωση ανά άτομο: €15
Η προσέλευση στην Εκδήλωση επιτρέπεται προσκομίζοντας ένα από τα πιο κάτω πιστοποιητικά:
1. Για άτομα άνω των 18 ετών Πιστοποιητικό ολοκληρωμένου εμβολιαστικού σχήματος για την ασθένεια του covid-19
2. Για άτομα άνω των 18 ετών Πιστοποιητικό αποδέσμευσης από τη νόσο covid-19 εντός των τελευταίων έξι μηνών.
Когда: 08/12/21 - 11/12/21
Билеты: ZONE A €45 | ZONE B €35 | ZONE C €25
О мероприятии:
After their very successful concerts all over Europe and four Australian tours, The Italian Tenors are coming to Cyprus with a festive program full of famous arias ,Italian pop , international hits and Christmas songs, interpreted with their classically trained voices and through their own arrangements. The Tenors will be accompanied on stage by a Live Trio Orchestra.
Viva la vita! Long live life!
Attendance at the Event is at 75% of venue capacity is allowed upon presenting one of the following certificates:
1. For people over the age of 18, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test with a validity of 72 hours
2. For people between the ages of 12-17, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test or Rapid test with the validity of 72 hours
3. For people between the ages 6-11, negative Rapid test or PCR test within 7 days or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months
4. For children under the age of 6 attendance is allowed without presenting any Certificate
Когда: 09/12/21 - 11/12/21
Билеты: €8 | €6 (students, large families, pensioners)
О мероприятии:
Voris Karagiannis and Michalis Lamprianidis present the documentary "I cross the world and I'm on fire: The story of the Magic de Spell" in three screenings at the " in Nicosia, on November 30 (main event), 9, 10 and 11 th of December 2021.
The event is of mixed attendance and entry is allowed upon presenting one of the following certificates:
1. For people over the age of 18, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test with a validity of 72 hours or Negative Rapid test with the validity of 48 hours
2. For people between the ages of 12-17, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test or Rapid test with a validity of 72 hours
3. For people between the ages 6-11, negative Rapid test or PCR test within 7 days, or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months.
4. For children under the age of 6 attendance is allowed without presenting any Certificate
Когда: 10/12/2021
Билеты: €8
О мероприятии:
Χρτιστουγενιάτικη Φιλανθρωπική Εκδήλωση Συμβουλίου Ευημερίας Ασθενών Γενικού Νοσοκομείου Λεμεσού
Η προσέλευση στην Εκδήλωση είναι στο 75% της χωρητικότητας προσκομίζοντας ένα από τα πιο κάτω πιστοποιητικά:
1. Για άτομα άνω των 18 ετών Πιστοποιητικό ολοκληρωμένου εμβολιαστικού σχήματος για την ασθένεια του covid-19 ή Πιστοποιητικό αποδέσμευσης από τη νόσο covid-19 εντός των τελευταίων έξι μηνών ή πιστοποιητικό αρνητικού αποτελέσματος εξέτασης PCR με ισχύ 72 ωρών.
2. Για παιδιά από 12 εώς 17 ετών αρνητικό rapid ή pcr test με ισχύ 72 ωρών ή Πιστοποιητικό Ολοκληρωμένου Εμβολιασμού.
3. Παιδιά κάτω των 12 ετών προσέρχονται στην εκδήλωση χωρίς οποιοδήποτε πιστοποιητικό.
Когда: 09/12/21
Билеты: €10 | €7 (students, pensioners)
О мероприятии:
Ένας γνωστός και επιτυχημένος Ιρλανδός συγγραφέας, ο Τσάρλι Τάιναν, επιστρέφει στη γενέτειρά του για την κηδεία του θετού πατέρα του. Ξεκαθαρίζοντας τα πράγματα στο σπίτι, ανακαλεί στη μνήμη του την πατρική φιγούρα, τον κηπουρό Ντα, και καταφέρνει στο εδώ και τώρα να έχει μια συζήτηση μαζί του την οποία δεν κατάφερε να κάνει όσο ζούσε. Μια επιστροφή στις αναμνήσεις της παιδικής και εφηβικής ηλικίας και στις συχνά ακανθώδεις σχέσεις πατέρα-γιου, εκεί όπου διασταυρώνονται δύο κόσμοι, της μνήμης και του παρόντος, με το κωμικό στοιχείο να εναλλάσσεται με το δραματικό, ο αυτοσαρκασμός με την ιλαρότητα, για να αναδειχθεί ό,τι απλό και ανθρώπινο.
The event is of mixed attendance and entry is allowed upon presenting one of the following certificates:
1. For people over the age of 18, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test with a validity of 72 hours or Negative Rapid test with the validity of 48 hours
2. For people between the ages of 12-17, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test or Rapid test with a validity of 72 hours
3. For people between the ages 6-11, negative Rapid test or PCR test within 7 days, or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months.
4. For children under the age of 6 attendance is allowed without presenting any Certificate
THE SHAPES OF THE STARS Tania Tsanaklidou – Lina Nikolakopoulou - NICOSIA INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL 2021 |
Когда: 8/12/2021
Билеты: ΖONE A: €35 / €30 (reduced) | ZONE B: €25 / €20 (reduced) | ZONE C: €20 / €15 (reduced) | ZONE D: €15 / €10 (reduced) | Reduced tickets are valid for: Students, soldiers, pensioners, large families, actors with presentation of relevant ID
О мероприятии:
On the occasion of the 40th anniversary (1981-2021) of Lina Nikolakopoulou’s journey in discography, the lyricist invites the performer Tania Tsanaklidou to celebrate together. Thirty-three years after the release of their mythical album Mama Gernao (1988), a legendary meeting with two ladies of Greek discography, whose works are perfectly intertwined with personal moments of each and every one one of us, our affairs of the heart, our separations, passion and disappointments.
Attendance at the Event is at 75% of venue capacity is allowed upon presenting one of the following certificates:
1. For people over the age of 18, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test with a validity of 72 hours
2. For people between the ages of 12-17, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test or Rapid test with the validity of 72 hours
3. For people between the ages 6-11, negative Rapid test or PCR test within 7 days or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months
4. For children under the age of 6 attendance is allowed without presenting any Certificate
Когда: 07/12/21 - 07/12/21
Билеты: €20
О мероприятии:
Christmas celebrations in Cyprus begin this year on December 7th at the Nicosia Municipal Theatre with a majestic Viennese flair! Under the auspices of Cyprus President’s wife, Andri Anastasiades, and the Austrian Embassy in Cyprus, you will be able to witness the magic of Viennese waltz and be enchanted by the most popular Opera highlights as performed by world class artists.
Attendance at the Event is at 75% of venue capacity is allowed upon presenting one of the following certificates:
1. For people over the age of 18, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test with a validity of 72 hours
2. For people between the ages of 12-17, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test or Rapid test with the validity of 72 hours
3. For people between the ages 6-11, negative Rapid test or PCR test within 7 days or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months
4. For children under the age of 6 attendance is allowed without presenting any Certificate
Когда: 25/11/21 - 09/12/21
Билеты: €8 | €6 (students, large families, pensioners)
О мероприятии:
Theoharis, an elderly and lonely man, takes refuge every evening in the hospital to spend the night on the benches and chairs of the outpatients’ wing. Every morning he returns to his house, where his only companion is his cat and his memories. One night he is discovered by a young nurse, Evgenia, who tries to learn more about him. Theoharis is initially skeptical and refuses to give her any information. Gradually, however, a relationship of trust between the two begins to build.
The event is of mixed attendance and entry is allowed upon presenting one of the following certificates:
1. For people over the age of 18, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test with a validity of 72 hours or Negative Rapid test with the validity of 48 hours
2. For people between the ages of 12-17, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test or Rapid test with a validity of 72 hours
3. For people between the ages 6-11, negative Rapid test or PCR test within 7 days, or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months.
4. For children under the age of 6 attendance is allowed without presenting any Certificate
Когда: 05/12/2021
Билеты: €10 το άτομο (Τραπέζια των 4,5,6 ατόμων). Τα εισιτήρια για κάθε τραπέζι, πρέπει να αγοραστούν συνολικά σε μια αγορά.
О мероприятии:
Το DownTown Live φιλοξενεί ένα extravaganza disco party με DJ τον Ant Toni και Guests of Honour την Drag Queen ΔούKISSα και την Drag Daughter της Violetta J'adore! Ελάτε προετοιμασμένοι {και ντυμένοι} για ένα super disco party με τις Queens της καρδιάς μας να ανεβαίνουν στη σκηνή και να μας εκτοξεύουν τη διάθεση με super performance.
Ελάχιστη κατανάλωση ανά άτομο: €15
Η προσέλευση στην Εκδήλωση επιτρέπεται προσκομίζοντας ένα από τα πιο κάτω πιστοποιητικά:
1. Για άτομα άνω των 18 ετών Πιστοποιητικό ολοκληρωμένου εμβολιαστικού σχήματος για την ασθένεια του covid-19
2. Για άτομα άνω των 18 ετών Πιστοποιητικό αποδέσμευσης από τη νόσο covid-19 εντός των τελευταίων έξι μηνών.
3. Για άτομα από 12 έως 17 ετών, Πιστοποιητικό Ολοκληρωμένου Εμβολιασμού, ή Πιστοποιητικό αποδέσμευσης από τη νόσο covid-19 εντός των τελευταίων έξι μηνών ή αρνητικό PCR ή Rapid test με ισχύ 72 ωρών.
Когда: 24/11/21 - 05/12/21
Билеты: €12
О мероприятии:
Ευτυχισμένες μέρες- Σάμιουελ Μπέκετ
Το εμβληματικό έργο του Σάμιουελ Μπέκετ ανεβαίνει στo ARTos Foundation για οκτώ μόνο παραστάσεις.
Ο Κώστας Σιλβέστρος τοποθετεί την ηθοποιό Έρικα Μπεγέτη, ως άλλη Γουίνυ, σε ένα «ψηφιακό βουνό», γαντζωμένη ανάμεσα στη ζωή και στον θάνατο, να μονολογεί διαρκώς, αποδίδοντας το υπαρξιακό κενό και την προσπάθεια του ανθρώπου να δώσει νόημα και ελπίδα στην καθημερινότητα του. Αυτή την καθημερινότητα που άλλοτε τον συνθλίβει και άλλοτε τον λυτρώνει.
Attendance at the Event is at 75% of venue capacity is allowed upon presenting one of the following certificates:
1. For people over the age of 18, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test with a validity of 72 hours
2. For people between the ages of 12-17, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test or Rapid test with the validity of 72 hours
3. For people between the ages 6-11, negative Rapid test or PCR test within 7 days or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months
4. For children under the age of 6 attendance is allowed without presenting any Certificate
Когда: 24/11/21 - 05/12/21
Билеты: €12
О мероприятии:
The Cultural Project ‘Parastasi’ presents THEOSKOTINA.
The dramatic monologue THEOSKOTINA will be presented for the first time on November 24, 26 and 28 and December 1, 3 and 5, 2021, at 20:30 at Theatro ena - Versus in Limassol.
Recommended for ages 15+.
The event is of mixed attendance and entry is allowed upon presenting one of the following certificates:
1. For people over the age of 18, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test with a validity of 72 hours or Negative Rapid test with the validity of 48 hours
2. For people between the ages of 12-17, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test or Rapid test with a validity of 72 hours
3. For people between the ages 6-11, negative Rapid test or PCR test within 7 days, or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months.
4. For children under the age of 6 attendance is allowed without presenting any Certificate
Когда: 07/11/21 - 05/12/21
Билеты: €15 | €12 (pupils,students,pensioners, soldiers, large families)
О мероприятии:
«Η ΜΕΘΟΔΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΔΡ. ΠΑΛΟΜΕΡΟ» βασισμένο στο θεατρικό έργο «Τοκ-Τοκ» του Λοράν Μπαφί σε σκηνοθεσία του Γιάννη Λεοντάρη.
The event is of mixed attendance and entry is allowed upon presenting one of the following certificates:
1. For people over the age of 18, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test with a validity of 72 hours or Negative Rapid test with the validity of 48 hours
2. For people between the ages of 12-17, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test or Rapid test with a validity of 72 hours
3. For people between the ages 6-11, negative Rapid test or PCR test within 7 days, or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months.
4. For children under the age of 6 attendance is allowed without presenting any Certificate
Когда: 05/12/2021
Билеты: €5
О мероприятии:
ORATORIUM for the celebration of 200 years of the Greek Revolution 1821-2021
Poetry and composition by Anastasia Guy
The event is of mixed attendance and entry is allowed upon presenting one of the following certificates:
1. For people over the age of 18, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test with a validity of 72 hours or Negative Rapid test with the validity of 48 hours
2. For people between the ages of 12-17, Certificate of a Completed Vaccination Scheme or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months or Negative PCR test or Rapid test with a validity of 72 hours
3. For people between the ages 6-11, negative Rapid test or PCR test within 7 days, or Certificate of Release from Covid-19 disease within the last six months.
4. For children under the age of 6 attendance is allowed without presenting any Certificate